Homo digitalis ǀ Convegno from 7 Oct. 2021


Logo Homo Digitalis mai 2021

Homo digitalis - what has this to do with multilingualism?

The Teacher Training Colleges of the cantons of Wallis, Ticino and Graubünden are the organisers of this biennial event on multilingualism known as “Convegno sul plurilinguismo”. The 2021 edition of the Convegno, organised and coordinated by the Teacher Training College of Wallis, will bring together researchers, teachers and experts to discuss the promotion of linguistic and cultural understanding in a digital world.

Flyer Homo digitalis

Poster Homo digitalis

Digital transformation is having a huge impact on all areas of modern society. Over the last two decades, it has radically changed the way we live and communicate with one another, thereby raising a number of issues concerning linguistic and cultural understanding as well as learning contexts:

- What potential do the media and digital resources have when it comes to learning and teaching languages in multilingual and multicultural settings?
- How, and in what learning contexts – formal, informal, non formal – are digital media used to communicate linguistically and culturally?
- What are the challenges faced by teacher training, teacher continuing professional development as well as research and development?
- In the field of multilingualism, where do the risks and opportunities lie in relation to the digitisation of the learning and teaching environment?

The organisers of this biennial event on multilingualism are the Teacher Training Colleges of the cantons of Wallis, Ticino and Graubünden. These three institutions have alternately organised and hosted the “Convegno sul plurilinguismo” since 2012. The next conference, held on 7 October 2021 in Brig, is organised by the Teacher Training College of Wallis.

The purpose of the Convegno is to discuss the above-mentioned questions thanks to theoretical, conceptual, empirical and practical contributions. Various possibilities of developing and promoting multilingualism in the digital context will be proposed and explored.

Target audience: The Convegno is intended for current and future teachers from all schools, and for professors and scientific collaborators from higher education. It is also targeting people in charge of continuing professional development as well as heads of institutions in the field of languages, ICT, interculturality, etc.

The programme includes conferences, papers, workshops, posters and stands, and it will encourage discussions. Participants will also have the opportunity to exchange views informally and to network with colleagues. Apart from scientific and didactic presentations, the programme will be enhanced by cultural entertainment and trips.

Digital media, didactic approaches, tools and methods are not only at the heart of the key themes, but they are also part of the organisation of the Convegno to promote multilingualism.

Languages: As in previous editions of the Convegno, the languages commonly used are German, French, Italian and Romansh. Oral presentations will be supported by a printed format translated into two languages (as for example a written document in two languages). German, French, Italian and Romansh can be used for questions and comments.

Publication: Presentations and interventions will be collected and made available to an interested audience and to the professional community. Papers presented at the Convegno will be published in the June edition of the Journal Babylonia (2022). Further information on other publication media (such as websites, magazines, etc.) will be given at a later date.

Theoretischer Bezugsrahmen (auf Deutsch)

Wissenschaftliches Komitee ǀ Comité scientifique ǀ Comitato scientifico ǀ Scientific Committee

  • Dr. Edmund STEINER, Pädagogische Hochschule Wallis (Leitung)
  • Prof. Dr. Klaus-Börge BOECKMANN, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
  • Prof. Dr. Luca BOTTURI, Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento della SUPSI
  • Dr. Damien CARRON, FernUni Schweiz
  • Prof. Dr. Rico CATHOMAS, Scola auta da pedagogia dal Grischun
  • Dr. Susanne GRASSMANN, wissenschaftliche Leiterin Verein Lernbild
  • M.A. Isabel HOFFMANN, Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprache LMU München
  • Prof. Dr. Stefano LOSA, Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento della SUPSI
  • Dr. Alain METRY, Pädagogische Hochschule Wallis
  • Dr. Valérie MICHELET, Haute école pédagogique du Valais
  • M.A. Corinne RAMILLON, Haute école pédagogique du Valais
  • M.A. Bernhard ROTZER, Pädagogische Hochschule Wallis
  • Prof. Dr. Vincenzo TODISCO, Alta scuola pedagogica dei GRIGIONIE
  • Dott.ssa Gabriella VERNETTO, Assessorat de l'éducation, de l'Université, de la recherche et des politiques de jeunesse de la Vallée d’Aoste
  • lic. phil. Michael ZURWERRA, Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS)
  • Dr. Isabelle CAPRON PUOZZO, Haute école pédagogique du Valais
  • Dr. Coralie CLERC, Haute école pédagogique du Valais
Program as PDF with links

Donnerstag | Jeudi | Giovedì | Gievgia | Thursday ꟷ 7. october 2021


Gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit: Die Beiträge auf D, F und I werden nicht übersetzt, hingegen berücksichtigen die Präsentationen die Mehrsprachigkeit.
Plurilinguisme en action : Les contributions en all., fr. et it. ne seront pas traduites, mais les présentations tiennent compte du plurilinguisme.
Plurilinguismo in azione: I contributi in ted., fr. e it. non saranno tradotti, ma le presentazioni terranno conto del plurilinguismo.
08.00-08.30 Empfang | Accueil | Accoglienza | Bainvegni - Registrierung
08.30-09.00 Offizielle Eröffnung | Ouverture officielle | Apertura ufficiale | Avertura uffiziala
Benvenuto | Bienvenue | Begrüssung durch die Direktionen der PH-VS, PHGR und SUPSI/DFA
Szenische Einstimmung
09.00-09.20 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Daniel ELMIGER, Université de Genève (FR)
Le numérique dans l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues: nouvelles promesses et anciens désenchantements
09.30-10.15     Sessione A: Contributi individuali
10.15-10.45 Kaffeepause | pause-café | pausa caffè | pausa da cafè - informelle Kontakte
Szenisches Intermezzo
10.45-12.00 Session B: Minisymposia | Workshops | Einzelbeiträge
12.00-13.30 Mittagspause - informelle Treffen / excursions & explorations virtuelles
13.30-13.50 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Massimo SALGARO, Università di Verona (IT)
Il cervello antico dell'homo digitalis. Leggere e studiare nell'era del digitale.
14.00-15.15 Session C: Minisymposia | Workshops | Einzelbeiträge
15.15-16.15 Agora
Poster | Infostände | inkl. Teatime & informelle Kontakte
Szenisches Intermezzo
16.30-16.50 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Julia KNOPF, Universität des Saarlandes (DE)
Konkret, digital und innovativ. Perspektiven des Sprachenlernens entlang der lebenslangen Bildungskette
17.00-17.30 Synopsis | Szenischer Ausklag
Offizieller Abschluss | Finiziun uffiziala | Chiusura ufficiale | Clôture officielle
par les directions des trois HEP




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"Convegno sur la numérisation et l'enseignement des langues": Article on the Convegno in the June 2021 issue of Résonances: Read article

"Begegnung zwischen den Kulturen" mit Sebastian Salzmann, Dozent an der PH-VS: Artikel lesen

"Plurilinguisme et apprentissage" broadcast of 6 September with Alain Metry, Professor PH-VS and Sandra Schüpbach, bilingual teacher 7H Lien Canal9